Source code for glue.utils.qt.widget_properties

The classes in this module provide a property-like interface
to widget instance variables in a class. These properties translate
essential pieces of widget state into more convenient python objects
(for example, the check state of a button to a bool).

Example Use::

    class Foo(object):
        bar = ButtonProperty('_button')

        def __init__(self):
            self._button = QtGui.QCheckBox()

    f = Foo() = True  # equivalent to f._button.setChecked(True)
    assert == True

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import math
from functools import partial

from glue.logger import logger
from glue.external.six.moves import reduce
from glue.external.qt import QtGui
from glue.external.echo import add_callback
from glue.utils.array import pretty_number

__all__ = ['WidgetProperty', 'CurrentComboDataProperty',
           'CurrentComboTextProperty', 'CurrentTabProperty', 'TextProperty',
           'ButtonProperty', 'FloatLineProperty', 'ValueProperty',
           'connect_bool_button', 'connect_current_combo',
           'connect_float_edit', 'connect_int_spin']

[docs]class WidgetProperty(object): """ Base class for widget properties Subclasses implement, at a minimum, the "get" and "set" methods, which translate between widget states and python variables Parameters ---------- att : str The location, within a class instance, of the widget to wrap around. If the widget is nested inside another variable, normal '.' syntax can be used (e.g. 'sub_window.button') docstring : str, optional Optional short summary for the property. Used by sphinx. Should be 1 sentence or less. """ def __init__(self, att, docstring=''): self.__doc__ = docstring self._att = att.split('.') def __get__(self, instance, type=None): # Under certain circumstances, PyQt will try and access these properties # while loading the ui file, so we have to be robust to failures. # However, we print out a warning if things fail. try: widget = reduce(getattr, [instance] + self._att) return self.getter(widget) except Exception:"An error occured when accessing attribute {0} of {1}. Returning None.".format('.'.join(self._att), instance)) return None def __set__(self, instance, value): widget = reduce(getattr, [instance] + self._att) self.setter(widget, value)
[docs] def getter(self, widget): """ Return the state of a widget. Depends on type of widget, and must be overridden""" raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def setter(self, widget, value): """ Set the state of a widget to a certain value""" raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class CurrentComboDataProperty(WidgetProperty): """ Wrapper around the data in QComboBox. """
[docs] def getter(self, widget): """ Return the itemData stored in the currently-selected item """ if widget.currentIndex() == -1: return None else: return widget.itemData(widget.currentIndex())
[docs] def setter(self, widget, value): """ Update the currently selected item to the one which stores value in its itemData """ # Note, we don't use findData here because it doesn't work # well with non-str data try: idx = _find_combo_data(widget, value) except ValueError: if value is None: idx = -1 else: raise ValueError("Cannot find data '{0}' in combo box".format(value)) widget.setCurrentIndex(idx)
CurrentComboProperty = CurrentComboDataProperty
[docs]class CurrentComboTextProperty(WidgetProperty): """ Wrapper around the text in QComboBox. """
[docs] def getter(self, widget): """ Return the itemData stored in the currently-selected item """ if widget.currentIndex() == -1: return None else: return widget.itemText(widget.currentIndex())
[docs] def setter(self, widget, value): """ Update the currently selected item to the one which stores value in its itemData """ idx = widget.findText(value) if idx == -1: if value is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot find text '{0}' in combo box".format(value)) widget.setCurrentIndex(idx)
[docs]class CurrentTabProperty(WidgetProperty): """ Wrapper around QTabWidget. """
[docs] def getter(self, widget): """ Return the itemData stored in the currently-selected item """ return widget.tabText(widget.currentIndex())
[docs] def setter(self, widget, value): """ Update the currently selected item to the one which stores value in its itemData """ for idx in range(widget.count()): if widget.tabText(idx) == value: break else: raise ValueError("Cannot find value '{0}' in tabs".format(value)) widget.setCurrentIndex(idx)
[docs]class TextProperty(WidgetProperty): """ Wrapper around the text() and setText() methods for QLabel etc """
[docs] def getter(self, widget): return widget.text()
[docs] def setter(self, widget, value): widget.setText(value)
[docs]class ButtonProperty(WidgetProperty): """ Wrapper around the check state for QAbstractButton widgets """
[docs] def getter(self, widget): return widget.isChecked()
[docs] def setter(self, widget, value): widget.setChecked(value)
[docs]class FloatLineProperty(WidgetProperty): """ Wrapper around the text state for QLineEdit widgets. Assumes that the text is a floating-point number """
[docs] def getter(self, widget): try: return float(widget.text()) except ValueError: return 0
[docs] def setter(self, widget, value): widget.setText(pretty_number(value)) widget.editingFinished.emit()
[docs]class ValueProperty(WidgetProperty): """ Wrapper around widgets with value() and setValue() Parameters ---------- att : str The location, within a class instance, of the widget to wrap around. If the widget is nested inside another variable, normal '.' syntax can be used (e.g. 'sub_window.button') docstring : str, optional Optional short summary for the property. Used by sphinx. Should be 1 sentence or less. value_range : tuple, optional If set, the slider values are mapped to this range. log : bool, optional If `True`, the mapping is assumed to be logarithmic instead of linear. """ def __init__(self, att, docstring='',value_range=None, log=False): super(ValueProperty, self).__init__(att, docstring=docstring) if log: if value_range is None: raise ValueError("log option can only be set if value_range is given") else: value_range = math.log10(value_range[0]), math.log10(value_range[1]) self.log = log self.value_range = value_range
[docs] def getter(self, widget): val = widget.value() if self.value_range is not None: imin, imax = widget.minimum(), widget.maximum() vmin, vmax = self.value_range val = (val - imin) / (imax - imin) * (vmax - vmin) + vmin if self.log: val = 10 ** val return val
[docs] def setter(self, widget, val): if self.log: val = math.log10(val) if self.value_range is not None: imin, imax = widget.minimum(), widget.maximum() vmin, vmax = self.value_range val = (val - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) * (imax - imin) + imin widget.setValue(val)
[docs]def connect_bool_button(client, prop, widget): """ Connect widget.setChecked and client.prop client.prop should be a callback property """ add_callback(client, prop, widget.setChecked) widget.toggled.connect(partial(setattr, client, prop))
[docs]def connect_current_combo(client, prop, widget): """ Connect widget.currentIndexChanged and client.prop client.prop should be a callback property """ def update_widget(value): try: idx = _find_combo_data(widget, value) except ValueError: if value is None: idx = -1 else: raise widget.setCurrentIndex(idx) def update_prop(idx): if idx == -1: setattr(client, prop, None) else: setattr(client, prop, widget.itemData(idx)) add_callback(client, prop, update_widget) widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(update_prop) update_widget(getattr(client, prop))
[docs]def connect_float_edit(client, prop, widget): """ Connect widget.setText and client.prop Also pretty-print the number client.prop should be a callback property """ v = QtGui.QDoubleValidator(None) v.setDecimals(4) widget.setValidator(v) def update_prop(): val = widget.text() try: setattr(client, prop, float(val)) except ValueError: setattr(client, prop, 0) def update_widget(val): if val is None: val = 0. widget.setText(pretty_number(val)) add_callback(client, prop, update_widget) widget.editingFinished.connect(update_prop) update_widget(getattr(client, prop))
def connect_value(client, prop, widget, value_range=None, log=False): """ Connect client.prop to widget.valueChanged client.prop should be a callback property If ``value_range`` is set, the slider values are mapped to that range. If ``log`` is set, the mapping is assumed to be logarithmic instead of linear. """ if log: if value_range is None: raise ValueError("log option can only be set if value_range is given") else: value_range = math.log10(value_range[0]), math.log10(value_range[1]) def update_prop(): val = widget.value() if value_range is not None: imin, imax = widget.minimum(), widget.maximum() val = (val - imin) / (imax - imin) * (value_range[1] - value_range[0]) + value_range[0] if log: val = 10 ** val setattr(client, prop, val) def update_widget(val): if val is None: widget.setValue(0) return if log: val = math.log10(val) if value_range is not None: imin, imax = widget.minimum(), widget.maximum() val = (val - value_range[0]) / (value_range[1] - value_range[0]) * (imax - imin) + imin widget.setValue(val) add_callback(client, prop, update_widget) widget.valueChanged.connect(update_prop) update_widget(getattr(client, prop)) connect_int_spin = connect_value def _find_combo_data(widget, value): """ Returns the index in a combo box where itemData == value Raises a ValueError if data is not found """ i = widget.findData(value) if i == -1: raise ValueError("%s not found in combo box" % value) else: return i