Source code for glue.viewers.image.qt.viewer_widget

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os

from glue.external.modest_image import imshow
from glue.external.qt.QtCore import Qt
from glue.external.qt import QtGui, QtCore
from glue.core.callback_property import add_callback, delay_callback
from glue import core
from glue.viewers.image.ds9norm import DS9Normalize
from glue.viewers.image.client import MplImageClient
from glue.viewers.common.qt.toolbar import GlueToolbar
from glue.viewers.common.qt.mouse_mode import (RectangleMode, CircleMode, PolyMode,
from glue.icons.qt import get_icon
from glue.utils.qt.widget_properties import CurrentComboProperty, ButtonProperty, connect_current_combo, _find_combo_data
from glue.viewers.common.qt.data_slice_widget import DataSlice
from glue.viewers.common.qt.data_viewer import DataViewer
from glue.viewers.common.qt.mpl_widget import MplWidget, defer_draw
from glue.utils import nonpartial, Pointer
from glue.utils.qt import cmap2pixmap, update_combobox, load_ui

# We do the following import to register the custom Qt Widget there
from glue.viewers.image.qt.rgb_edit import RGBEdit  # pylint: disable=W0611

WARN_THRESH = 10000000  # warn when contouring large images

__all__ = ['ImageWidget', 'StandaloneImageWidget', 'ImageWidgetBase']

[docs]class ImageWidgetBase(DataViewer): """ Widget for ImageClient This base class avoids any matplotlib-specific logic """ LABEL = "Image Viewer" _property_set = DataViewer._property_set + \ 'data attribute rgb_mode rgb_viz ratt gatt batt slice'.split() attribute = CurrentComboProperty('ui.attributeComboBox', 'Current attribute') data = CurrentComboProperty('ui.displayDataCombo', 'Current data') aspect_ratio = CurrentComboProperty('ui.aspectCombo', 'Aspect ratio for image') rgb_mode = ButtonProperty('ui.rgb', 'RGB Mode?') rgb_viz = Pointer('ui.rgb_options.rgb_visible') def __init__(self, session, parent=None): super(ImageWidgetBase, self).__init__(session, parent) self._setup_widgets() self.client = self.make_client() self._setup_tools() tb = self.make_toolbar() self.addToolBar(tb) self._connect() def _setup_widgets(self): self.central_widget = self.make_central_widget() self.label_widget = QtGui.QLabel("", self.central_widget) self.setCentralWidget(self.central_widget) self.option_widget = QtGui.QWidget() self.ui = load_ui('options_widget.ui', self.option_widget, directory=os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.ui.slice = DataSlice() self.ui.slice_layout.addWidget(self.ui.slice) self._tweak_geometry() self.ui.aspectCombo.addItem("Square Pixels", userData='equal') self.ui.aspectCombo.addItem("Automatic", userData='auto')
[docs] def make_client(self): """ Instantiate and return an ImageClient subclass """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def make_central_widget(self): """ Create and return the central widget to display the image """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def make_toolbar(self): """ Create and return the toolbar for this widget """ raise NotImplementedError()
@staticmethod def _get_default_tools(): return [] def _setup_tools(self): """ Set up additional tools for this widget """ from glue import config self._tools = [] for tool in config.tool_registry.members[self.__class__]: self._tools.append(tool(self)) def _tweak_geometry(self): self.central_widget.resize(600, 400) self.resize(self.central_widget.size()) self.ui.rgb_options.hide() self.statusBar().setSizeGripEnabled(False) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) @defer_draw
[docs] def add_data(self, data): """ Add a new dataset to the viewer """ # overloaded from DataViewer # need to delay callbacks, otherwise might # try to set combo boxes to nonexisting items with delay_callback(self.client, 'display_data', 'display_attribute'): # If there is not already any image data set, we can't add 1-D # datasets (tables/catalogs) to the image widget yet. if == 1 and self.client.display_data is None: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self.window(), "Note", "Cannot create image viewer from a 1-D " "dataset. You will need to first " "create an image viewer using data " "with 2 or more dimensions, after " "which you will be able to overlay 1-D " "data as a scatter plot.", buttons=QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) return r = self.client.add_layer(data) if r is not None and self.client.display_data is not None: self.add_data_to_combo(data) if self.client.can_image_data(data): self.client.display_data = data self.set_attribute_combo(self.client.display_data) return r is not None
[docs] def add_subset(self, subset): self.client.add_scatter_layer(subset) assert subset in self.client.artists
[docs] def add_data_to_combo(self, data): """ Add a data object to the combo box, if not already present """ if not self.client.can_image_data(data): return combo = self.ui.displayDataCombo try: pos = _find_combo_data(combo, data) except ValueError: combo.addItem(data.label, userData=data)
@property def ratt(self): """ComponentID assigned to R channel in RGB Mode""" return self.ui.rgb_options.attributes[0] @ratt.setter def ratt(self, value): att = list(self.ui.rgb_options.attributes) att[0] = value self.ui.rgb_options.attributes = att @property def gatt(self): """ComponentID assigned to G channel in RGB Mode""" return self.ui.rgb_options.attributes[1] @gatt.setter def gatt(self, value): att = list(self.ui.rgb_options.attributes) att[1] = value self.ui.rgb_options.attributes = att @property def batt(self): """ComponentID assigned to B channel in RGB Mode""" return self.ui.rgb_options.attributes[2] @batt.setter def batt(self, value): att = list(self.ui.rgb_options.attributes) att[2] = value self.ui.rgb_options.attributes = att @property def slice(self): return self.client.slice @slice.setter def slice(self, value): self.client.slice = value
[docs] def set_attribute_combo(self, data): """ Update attribute combo box to reflect components in data""" labeldata = ((f.label, f) for f in data.visible_components) update_combobox(self.ui.attributeComboBox, labeldata)
def _connect(self): ui = self.ui ui.monochrome.toggled.connect(self._update_rgb_console) ui.rgb_options.colors_changed.connect(self.update_window_title) # sync client and widget slices ui.slice.slice_changed.connect(lambda: setattr(self, 'slice', self.ui.slice.slice)) update_ui_slice = lambda val: setattr(ui.slice, 'slice', val) add_callback(self.client, 'slice', update_ui_slice) add_callback(self.client, 'display_data', self.ui.slice.set_data) # sync window title to data/attribute add_callback(self.client, 'display_data', nonpartial(self._display_data_changed)) add_callback(self.client, 'display_attribute', nonpartial(self._display_attribute_changed)) add_callback(self.client, 'display_aspect', nonpartial(self.client._update_aspect)) # sync data/attribute combos with client properties connect_current_combo(self.client, 'display_data', self.ui.displayDataCombo) connect_current_combo(self.client, 'display_attribute', self.ui.attributeComboBox) connect_current_combo(self.client, 'display_aspect', self.ui.aspectCombo) def _display_data_changed(self): if self.client.display_data is None: self.ui.attributeComboBox.clear() return with self.client.artists.ignore_empty(): self.set_attribute_combo(self.client.display_data) self.client.add_layer(self.client.display_data) self.client._update_and_redraw() self.update_window_title() def _display_attribute_changed(self): if self.client.display_attribute is None: return self.client._update_and_redraw() self.update_window_title() @defer_draw def _update_rgb_console(self, is_monochrome): if is_monochrome: self.ui.rgb_options.hide() self.client.rgb_mode(False) else: self.ui.mono_att_label.hide() self.ui.attributeComboBox.hide() rgb = self.client.rgb_mode(True) if rgb is not None: self.ui.rgb_options.artist = rgb
[docs] def register_to_hub(self, hub): super(ImageWidgetBase, self).register_to_hub(hub) self.client.register_to_hub(hub) dc_filt = lambda x: x.sender is self.client._data display_data_filter = lambda x: is self.client.display_data hub.subscribe(self, core.message.DataCollectionAddMessage, handler=lambda x: self.add_data_to_combo(, filter=dc_filt) hub.subscribe(self, core.message.DataCollectionDeleteMessage, handler=lambda x: self.remove_data_from_combo(, filter=dc_filt) hub.subscribe(self, core.message.DataUpdateMessage, handler=lambda x: self._sync_data_labels() ) hub.subscribe(self, core.message.ComponentsChangedMessage, handler=lambda x: self.set_attribute_combo(, filter=display_data_filter)
[docs] def unregister(self, hub): super(ImageWidgetBase, self).unregister(hub) for obj in [self, self.client]: hub.unsubscribe_all(obj)
[docs] def remove_data_from_combo(self, data): """ Remove a data object from the combo box, if present """ combo = self.ui.displayDataCombo pos = combo.findText(data.label) if pos >= 0: combo.removeItem(pos)
def _set_norm(self, mode): """ Use the `ContrastMouseMode` to adjust the transfer function """ # at least one of the clip/vmin pairs will be None clip_lo, clip_hi = mode.get_clip_percentile() vmin, vmax = mode.get_vmin_vmax() stretch = mode.stretch return self.client.set_norm(clip_lo=clip_lo, clip_hi=clip_hi, stretch=stretch, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, bias=mode.bias, contrast=mode.contrast) @property def window_title(self): if self.client.display_data is None or self.client.display_attribute is None: title = '' else: data = self.client.display_data.label a = self.client.rgb_mode() if a is None: # monochrome mode title = "%s - %s" % (self.client.display_data.label, self.client.display_attribute.label) else: r = a.r.label if a.r is not None else '' g = a.g.label if a.g is not None else '' b = a.b.label if a.b is not None else '' title = "%s Red = %s Green = %s Blue = %s" % (data, r, g, b) return title def _sync_data_combo_labels(self): combo = self.ui.displayDataCombo for i in range(combo.count()): combo.setItemText(i, combo.itemData(i).label) def _sync_data_labels(self): self.update_window_title() self._sync_data_combo_labels() def __str__(self): return "Image Widget" def _confirm_large_image(self, data): """Ask user to confirm expensive operations :rtype: bool. Whether the user wishes to continue """ warn_msg = ("WARNING: Image has %i pixels, and may render slowly." " Continue?" % data.size) title = "Contour large image?" ok = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok cancel = QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel buttons = ok | cancel result = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, title, warn_msg, buttons=buttons, defaultButton=cancel) return result == ok
[docs] def options_widget(self): return self.option_widget
[docs] def restore_layers(self, rec, context): with delay_callback(self.client, 'display_data', 'display_attribute'): self.client.restore_layers(rec, context) for artist in self.layers: self.add_data_to_combo( self.set_attribute_combo(self.client.display_data) self._sync_data_combo_labels()
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): # close window and all plugins super(ImageWidgetBase, self).closeEvent(event) if event.isAccepted(): for t in self._tools: t.close()
[docs]class ImageWidget(ImageWidgetBase): """ A matplotlib-based image widget """
[docs] def make_client(self): return MplImageClient(self._data, self.central_widget.canvas.fig, layer_artist_container=self._layer_artist_container)
[docs] def make_central_widget(self): return MplWidget()
[docs] def make_toolbar(self): result = GlueToolbar(self.central_widget.canvas, self, name='Image') for mode in self._mouse_modes(): result.add_mode(mode) cmap = _colormap_mode(self, self.client.set_cmap) result.addWidget(cmap) # connect viewport update buttons to client commands to # allow resampling cl = self.client result.buttons['HOME'].triggered.connect(nonpartial(cl.check_update)) result.buttons['FORWARD'].triggered.connect(nonpartial( cl.check_update)) result.buttons['BACK'].triggered.connect(nonpartial(cl.check_update)) return result
def _mouse_modes(self): axes = self.client.axes def apply_mode(mode): for roi_mode in roi_modes: if roi_mode != mode: roi_mode._roi_tool.reset() self.apply_roi(mode.roi()) rect = RectangleMode(axes, roi_callback=apply_mode) circ = CircleMode(axes, roi_callback=apply_mode) poly = PolyMode(axes, roi_callback=apply_mode) roi_modes = [rect, circ, poly] contrast = ContrastMode(axes, move_callback=self._set_norm) self._contrast = contrast # Get modes from tools tool_modes = [] for tool in self._tools: tool_modes += tool._get_modes(axes) add_callback(self.client, 'display_data', tool._display_data_hook) return [rect, circ, poly, contrast] + tool_modes
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): super(ImageWidget, self).paintEvent(event) pos = self.central_widget.canvas.mapFromGlobal(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) x, y = pos.x(), self.central_widget.canvas.height() - pos.y() self._update_intensity_label(x, y)
def _intensity_label(self, x, y): x, y = self.client.axes.transData.inverted().transform([(x, y)])[0] value = self.client.point_details(x, y)['value'] lbl = '' if value is None else "data: %s" % value return lbl def _update_intensity_label(self, x, y): lbl = self._intensity_label(x, y) self.label_widget.setText(lbl) fm = self.label_widget.fontMetrics() w, h = fm.width(lbl), fm.height() g = QtCore.QRect(20, self.central_widget.geometry().height() - h, w, h) self.label_widget.setGeometry(g) def _connect(self): super(ImageWidget, self)._connect() self.ui.rgb_options.current_changed.connect(lambda: self._toolbars[0].set_mode(self._contrast)) self.central_widget.canvas.resize_end.connect(self.client.check_update)
class ColormapAction(QtGui.QAction): def __init__(self, label, cmap, parent): super(ColormapAction, self).__init__(label, parent) self.cmap = cmap pm = cmap2pixmap(cmap) self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(pm)) def _colormap_mode(parent, on_trigger): from glue import config # actions for each colormap acts = [] for label, cmap in config.colormaps: a = ColormapAction(label, cmap, parent) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(on_trigger, cmap)) acts.append(a) # Toolbar button tb = QtGui.QToolButton() tb.setWhatsThis("Set color scale") tb.setToolTip("Set color scale") icon = get_icon('glue_rainbow') tb.setIcon(icon) tb.setPopupMode(QtGui.QToolButton.InstantPopup) tb.addActions(acts) return tb
[docs]class StandaloneImageWidget(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ A simplified image viewer, without any brushing or linking, but with the ability to adjust contrast and resample. """ window_closed = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, image=None, wcs=None, parent=None, **kwargs): """ :param image: Image to display (2D numpy array) :param parent: Parent widget (optional) :param kwargs: Extra keywords to pass to imshow """ super(StandaloneImageWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.central_widget = MplWidget() self.setCentralWidget(self.central_widget) self._setup_axes() self._im = None self._norm = DS9Normalize() self.make_toolbar() if image is not None: self.set_image(image=image, wcs=wcs, **kwargs) def _setup_axes(self): from glue.viewers.common.viz_client import init_mpl _, self._axes = init_mpl(self.central_widget.canvas.fig, axes=None, wcs=True) self._axes.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='datalim')
[docs] def set_image(self, image=None, wcs=None, **kwargs): """ Update the image shown in the widget """ if self._im is not None: self._im.remove() self._im = None kwargs.setdefault('origin', 'upper') if wcs is not None: self._axes.reset_wcs(wcs) self._im = imshow(self._axes, image, norm=self._norm, cmap='gray', **kwargs) self._im_array = image self._wcs = wcs self._redraw()
@property def axes(self): """ The Matplolib axes object for this figure """ return self._axes
[docs] def show(self): super(StandaloneImageWidget, self).show() self._redraw()
def _redraw(self): self.central_widget.canvas.draw() def _set_cmap(self, cmap): self._im.set_cmap(cmap) self._redraw()
[docs] def mdi_wrap(self): """ Embed this widget in a GlueMdiSubWindow """ from import GlueMdiSubWindow sub = GlueMdiSubWindow() sub.setWidget(self) self.destroyed.connect(sub.close) self.window_closed.connect(sub.close) sub.resize(self.size()) self._mdi_wrapper = sub return sub
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): self.window_closed.emit() return super(StandaloneImageWidget, self).closeEvent(event)
def _set_norm(self, mode): """ Use the `ContrastMouseMode` to adjust the transfer function """ clip_lo, clip_hi = mode.get_clip_percentile() vmin, vmax = mode.get_vmin_vmax() stretch = mode.stretch self._norm.clip_lo = clip_lo self._norm.clip_hi = clip_hi self._norm.stretch = stretch self._norm.bias = mode.bias self._norm.contrast = mode.contrast self._norm.vmin = vmin self._norm.vmax = vmax self._im.set_norm(self._norm) self._redraw()
[docs] def make_toolbar(self): """ Setup the toolbar """ result = GlueToolbar(self.central_widget.canvas, self, name='Image') result.add_mode(ContrastMode(self._axes, move_callback=self._set_norm)) cm = _colormap_mode(self, self._set_cmap) result.addWidget(cm) self._cmap_actions = cm.actions() self.addToolBar(result) return result