Source code for glue.core.link_helpers

This module provides several classes and LinkCollection classes to
assist in linking data.

The functions in this class (and stored in the __LINK_FUNCTIONS__
list) define common coordinate transformations. They are meant to be
used for the `using` parameter in
:class:`glue.core.component_link.ComponentLink` instances.

The :class:`LinkCollection` class and its sublcasses are factories to create
multiple ComponentLinks easily. They are meant to be passed to

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from glue.external import six
from import ComponentID
from glue.core.component_link import ComponentLink

__all__ = ['LinkCollection', 'LinkSame', 'LinkTwoWay', 'MultiLink',


def identity(x):
    return x
identity.output_args = ['y']

def lengths_to_volume(width, height, depth):
    """Compute volume from linear measurements of a box"""
    # included for demonstration purposes
    return width * height * depth

lengths_to_volume.output_args = ['area']


class PartialResult(object):

    def __init__(self, func, index, name_prefix=""):
        self.func = func
        self.index = index
        self.__name__ = '%s%s_%i' % (name_prefix, func.__name__, index + 1)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)[self.index]

    def __gluestate__(self, context):
        return dict(, index=self.index)

    def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context):
        return cls(context.object(rec['func']), rec['index'])

def _toid(arg):
    """Coerce the input to a ComponentID, if possible"""
    if isinstance(arg, ComponentID):
        return arg
    elif isinstance(arg, six.string_types):
        return ComponentID(arg)
        raise TypeError('Cannot be cast to a ComponentID: %s' % arg)

[docs]class LinkCollection(list): pass
[docs]class LinkSame(LinkCollection): """ Return ComponentLinks to represent that two componentIDs describe the same piece of information """ def __init__(self, cid1, cid2): self.append(ComponentLink([_toid(cid1)], _toid(cid2)))
[docs]class LinkTwoWay(LinkCollection): def __init__(self, cid1, cid2, forwards, backwards): """ Return 2 links that connect input ComponentIDs in both directions :param cid1: First ComponentID to link :param cid2: Second ComponentID to link :param forwards: Function which maps cid1 to cid2 (e.g. cid2=f(cid1)) :param backwards: Function which maps cid2 to cid1 (e.g. cid1=f(cid2)) :returns: Two :class:`~glue.core.component_link.ComponentLink` instances, specifying the link in each direction """ self.append(ComponentLink([_toid(cid1)], _toid(cid2), forwards)) self.append(ComponentLink([_toid(cid2)], _toid(cid1), backwards))
[docs]class LinkAligned(LinkCollection): """Compute all the links to specify that the input data are pixel-aligned. :param data: An iterable of :class:`` instances that are aligned at the pixel level. They must be the same shape. """ def __init__(self, data): shape = data[0].shape ndim = data[0].ndim for i, d in enumerate(data[1:]): if d.shape != shape: raise TypeError("Input data do not have the same shape") for j in range(ndim): self.extend(LinkSame(data[0].get_pixel_component_id(j), data[i + 1].get_pixel_component_id(j)))