Source code for

# pylint: disable=W0223

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import sys
import warnings
import webbrowser

from glue.external.qt.QtCore import Qt
from glue.external.qt import QtGui, QtCore
from glue.core.application_base import Application
from glue.core import command, Data
from glue import env
from glue.main import load_plugins
from glue.icons.qt import get_icon
from glue.external.qt import get_qapp
from import action
from glue.dialogs.data_wizard.qt import data_wizard
from import EditSubsetModeToolBar
from import GlueMdiArea, GlueMdiSubWindow
from import PlotAction, LayerTreeWidget
from import SettingsEditor
from glue.viewers.common.qt.mpl_widget import defer_draw
from glue.viewers.common.qt.data_viewer import DataViewer
from glue.viewers.image.qt import ImageWidget
from glue.viewers.scatter.qt import ScatterWidget
from glue.utils import nonpartial
from glue.utils.qt import (pick_class, GlueTabBar, QMessageBoxPatched as
                           QMessageBox, set_cursor, messagebox_on_error, load_ui)

from import submit_bug_report
from import QtPluginManager
from import show_glue_info

__all__ = ['GlueApplication']

def _fix_ipython_pylab():
        from IPython import get_ipython
    except ImportError:
    shell = get_ipython()
    if shell is None:

    from IPython.core.error import UsageError

        shell.enable_pylab('inline', import_all=True)
    except ValueError:
        # if the shell is a normal terminal shell, we get here
    except UsageError:

def status_pixmap(attention=False):
    A small icon to grab attention

    :param attention: If True, return attention-grabbing pixmap
    color = if attention else Qt.lightGray

    pm = QtGui.QPixmap(15, 15)
    p = QtGui.QPainter(pm)
    b = QtGui.QBrush(color)
    p.fillRect(-1, -1, 20, 20, b)
    return pm

class ClickableLabel(QtGui.QLabel):

    A QtGui.QLabel you can click on to generate events

    clicked = QtCore.Signal()

    def mousePressEvent(self, event):

class GlueLogger(QtGui.QWidget):

    A window to display error messages

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(GlueLogger, self).__init__(parent)
        self._text = QtGui.QTextEdit()

        clear = QtGui.QPushButton("Clear")

        report = QtGui.QPushButton("Send Bug Report")

        self.stderr = sys.stderr
        sys.stderr = self

        self._status = ClickableLabel()
        self._status.setToolTip("View Errors and Warnings")
        self._status.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

        l = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
        h = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
        l.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2)
        h.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)



    def status_light(self):
        The icon representing the status of the log
        return self._status

    def write(self, message):
        Interface for sys.excepthook

    def flush(self):
        Interface for sys.excepthook

    def _send_report(self):
        Send the contents of the log as a bug report
        text = self._text.document().toPlainText()
        if submit_bug_report(text):

    def _clear(self):
        Erase the log

    def _show(self):
        Show the log

    def keyPressEvent(self, event):
        Hide window on escape key
        if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape:

[docs]class GlueApplication(Application, QtGui.QMainWindow): """ The main GUI application for the Qt frontend""" def __init__(self, data_collection=None, session=None): = get_qapp() QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self) Application.__init__(self, data_collection=data_collection, session=session) icon = get_icon('app_icon') # Even though we loaded the plugins in start_glue, we re-load them here # in case glue was started directly by initializing this class. load_plugins() self.setWindowIcon(icon) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self._actions = {} self._terminal = None self._setup_ui() self.tab_widget.setMovable(True) self.tab_widget.setTabsClosable(True) # The following is a counter that never goes down, even if tabs are # deleted (this is by design, to avoid having two tabs called the # same if a tab is removed then a new one added again) self._total_tab_count = 0 lwidget = self._layer_widget a = PlotAction(lwidget, self) lwidget.ui.layerTree.addAction(a) lwidget.bind_selection_to_edit_subset() self._tweak_geometry() self._create_actions() self._create_menu() self._connect() self.new_tab() self._update_plot_dashboard(None) self._load_settings() def _setup_ui(self): self._ui = load_ui('application.ui', None, directory=os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.setCentralWidget(self._ui) self._ui.tabWidget.setTabBar(GlueTabBar()) lw = LayerTreeWidget() lw.set_checkable(False) self._vb = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self._vb.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._vb.addWidget(lw) self._ui.data_layers.setLayout(self._vb) self._layer_widget = lw # log window + status light self._log = GlueLogger() self._log.window().setWindowTitle("Console Log") self._log.resize(550, 550) self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(self._log.status_light) self.statusBar().setContentsMargins(2, 0, 20, 2) self.statusBar().setSizeGripEnabled(False) def _tweak_geometry(self): """Maximize window""" self.setWindowState(Qt.WindowMaximized) self._ui.main_splitter.setSizes([100, 800]) self._ui.data_plot_splitter.setSizes([100, 150, 250]) @property def tab_widget(self): return self._ui.tabWidget @property def tab_bar(self): return self._ui.tabWidget.tabBar() @property def tab_count(self): """ The number of open tabs """ return self._ui.tabWidget.count() @property def current_tab(self): return self._ui.tabWidget.currentWidget()
[docs] def tab(self, index=None): if index is None: return self.current_tab return self._ui.tabWidget.widget(index)
[docs] def new_tab(self): """Spawn a new tab page""" layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() layout.setSpacing(1) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) widget = GlueMdiArea(self) widget.setLayout(layout) tab = self.tab_widget self._total_tab_count += 1 tab.addTab(widget, str("Tab %i" % self._total_tab_count)) tab.setCurrentWidget(widget) widget.subWindowActivated.connect(self._update_plot_dashboard)
[docs] def close_tab(self, index): """ Close a tab window and all associated data viewers """ # do not delete the last tab if self.tab_widget.count() == 1: return if not os.environ.get('GLUE_TESTING'): buttons = QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel dialog = QMessageBox.warning(self, "Confirm Close", "Are you sure you want to close this tab? " "This will close all data viewers in the tab.", buttons=buttons, defaultButton=QMessageBox.Cancel) if not dialog == QMessageBox.Ok: return w = self.tab_widget.widget(index) for window in w.subWindowList(): widget = window.widget() if isinstance(widget, DataViewer): widget.close(warn=False) w.close() self.tab_widget.removeTab(index)
[docs] def add_widget(self, new_widget, label=None, tab=None, hold_position=False): """ Add a widget to one of the tabs. Returns the window that this widget is wrapped in. :param new_widget: new QtGui.QWidget to add :param label: label for the new window. Optional :type label: str :param tab: Tab to add to. Optional (default: current tab) :type tab: int :param hold_position: If True, then override Qt's default placement and retain the original position of new_widget :type hold_position: bool """ page = pos = getattr(new_widget, 'position', None) sub = new_widget.mdi_wrap() sub.closed.connect(self._clear_dashboard) if label: sub.setWindowTitle(label) page.addSubWindow(sub) page.setActiveSubWindow(sub) if hold_position and pos is not None: new_widget.move(pos[0], pos[1]) return sub
[docs] def set_setting(self, key, value): """ Update a persistent setting in the application. :param key: Name of a setting in the ``settings`` registry :type key: str :param value: New value for the setting :type value: str """ super(GlueApplication, self).set_setting(key, value) settings = QtCore.QSettings('glue-viz', 'glue') settings.setValue(key, value)
def _load_settings(self, path=None): settings = QtCore.QSettings('glue-viz', 'glue') for k, v in self.settings: if settings.contains(k): super(GlueApplication, self).set_setting(k, settings.value(k)) def _edit_settings(self): # save it to prevent garbage collection self._editor = SettingsEditor(self)
[docs] def gather_current_tab(self): """Arrange windows in current tab via tiling""" self.current_tab.tileSubWindows()
def _get_plot_dashboards(self, sub_window): if not isinstance(sub_window, GlueMdiSubWindow): return QtGui.QWidget(), QtGui.QWidget(), "" widget = sub_window.widget() if not isinstance(widget, DataViewer): return QtGui.QWidget(), QtGui.QWidget(), "" layer_view = widget.layer_view() options_widget = widget.options_widget() return layer_view, options_widget, str(widget) def _clear_dashboard(self): for widget, title in [(self._ui.plot_layers, "Plot Layers"), (self._ui.plot_options, "Plot Options")]: layout = widget.layout() if layout is None: layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(4, 4, 4, 4) widget.setLayout(layout) while layout.count(): layout.takeAt(0).widget().hide() widget.setTitle(title) def _update_plot_dashboard(self, sub_window): self._clear_dashboard() if sub_window is None: return layer_view, options_widget, title = self._get_plot_dashboards(sub_window) layout = self._ui.plot_layers.layout() layout.addWidget(layer_view) layout = self._ui.plot_options.layout() layout.addWidget(options_widget) if title: self._ui.plot_options.setTitle("Plot Options - %s" % title) self._ui.plot_layers.setTitle("Plot Layers - %s" % title) else: self._ui.plot_options.setTitle("Plot Options") self._ui.plot_layers.setTitle("Plot Layers") self._update_focus_decoration() def _update_focus_decoration(self): mdi_area = self.current_tab active = mdi_area.activeSubWindow() for win in mdi_area.subWindowList(): widget = win.widget() if isinstance(widget, DataViewer): widget.set_focus(win is active) def _connect(self): self.setAcceptDrops(True) self._layer_widget.setup(self._data) self.tab_widget.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.close_tab) def _create_menu(self): mbar = self.menuBar() menu = QtGui.QMenu(mbar) menu.setTitle("&File") menu.addAction(self._actions['data_new']) if 'data_importers' in self._actions: submenu = menu.addMenu("I&mport data") for a in self._actions['data_importers']: submenu.addAction(a) # menu.addAction(self._actions['data_save']) # XXX add this menu.addAction(self._actions['session_reset']) menu.addAction(self._actions['session_restore']) menu.addAction(self._actions['session_save']) if 'session_export' in self._actions: submenu = menu.addMenu("E&xport") for a in self._actions['session_export']: submenu.addAction(a) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction("Edit &Settings", self._edit_settings) mbar.addMenu(menu) menu = QtGui.QMenu(mbar) menu.setTitle("&Edit ") menu.addAction(self._actions['undo']) menu.addAction(self._actions['redo']) mbar.addMenu(menu) menu = QtGui.QMenu(mbar) menu.setTitle("&View ") a = QtGui.QAction("&Console Log", menu) a.triggered.connect(self._log._show) menu.addAction(a) mbar.addMenu(menu) menu = QtGui.QMenu(mbar) menu.setTitle("&Canvas") menu.addAction(self._actions['tab_new']) menu.addAction(self._actions['viewer_new']) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self._actions['gather']) menu.addAction(self._actions['tab_rename']) mbar.addMenu(menu) menu = QtGui.QMenu(mbar) menu.setTitle("Data &Manager") menu.addActions(self._layer_widget.actions()) mbar.addMenu(menu) menu = QtGui.QMenu(mbar) menu.setTitle("&Toolbars") tbar = EditSubsetModeToolBar() self._mode_toolbar = tbar self.addToolBar(tbar) tbar.hide() a = QtGui.QAction("Selection Mode &Toolbar", menu) a.setCheckable(True) a.toggled.connect(tbar.setVisible) try: tbar.visibilityChanged.connect(a.setChecked) except AttributeError: # Qt < 4.7. QtCore.Signal not supported pass menu.addAction(a) menu.addActions(tbar.actions()) mbar.addMenu(menu) menu = QtGui.QMenu(mbar) menu.setTitle("&Plugins") menu.addAction(self._actions['plugin_manager']) menu.addSeparator() if 'plugins' in self._actions: for plugin in self._actions['plugins']: menu.addAction(plugin) mbar.addMenu(menu) # trigger inclusion of Mac Native "Help" tool menu = mbar.addMenu("&Help") a = QtGui.QAction("&Online Documentation", menu) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(, DOCS_URL)) menu.addAction(a) a = QtGui.QAction("Send &Feedback", menu) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(submit_bug_report)) menu.addAction(a) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction("Version information", show_glue_info) def _choose_load_data(self, data_importer=None): if data_importer is None: self.add_datasets(self.data_collection, data_wizard()) else: data = data_importer() if not isinstance(data, list): raise TypeError("Data loader should return list of Data objects") for item in data: if not isinstance(item, Data): raise TypeError("Data loader should return list of Data objects") self.add_datasets(self.data_collection, data) def _create_actions(self): """ Create and connect actions, store in _actions dict """ self._actions = {} a = action("&New Data Viewer", self, tip="Open a new visualization window in the current tab", shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.New ) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self.choose_new_data_viewer)) self._actions['viewer_new'] = a a = action('New &Tab', self, shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.AddTab, tip='Add a new tab') a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self.new_tab)) self._actions['tab_new'] = a a = action('&Rename Tab', self, shortcut="Ctrl+R", tip='Set a new label for the current tab') a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self.tab_bar.rename_tab)) self._actions['tab_rename'] = a a = action('&Gather Windows', self, tip='Gather plot windows side-by-side', shortcut='Ctrl+G') a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self.gather_current_tab)) self._actions['gather'] = a a = action('&Save Session', self, tip='Save the current session') a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self._choose_save_session)) self._actions['session_save'] = a # Add file loader as first item in File menu for convenience. We then # also add it again below in the Import menu for consistency. a = action("&Open Data Set", self, tip="Open a new data set", shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Open) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self._choose_load_data, data_wizard)) self._actions['data_new'] = a # We now populate the "Import data" menu from glue.config import importer acts = [] # Add default file loader (later we can add this to the registry) a = action("Import from file", self, tip="Import from file") a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self._choose_load_data, data_wizard)) acts.append(a) for i in importer: label, data_importer = i a = action(label, self, tip=label) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self._choose_load_data, data_importer)) acts.append(a) self._actions['data_importers'] = acts from glue.config import exporters if len(exporters) > 0: acts = [] for e in exporters: label, saver, checker, mode = e a = action(label, self, tip='Export the current session to %s format' % label) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self._choose_export_session, saver, checker, mode)) acts.append(a) self._actions['session_export'] = acts a = action('Open S&ession', self, tip='Restore a saved session') a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self._restore_session)) self._actions['session_restore'] = a a = action('Reset S&ession', self, tip='Reset session to clean state') a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self._reset_session)) self._actions['session_reset'] = a a = action("Undo", self, tip='Undo last action', shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Undo) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self.undo)) a.setEnabled(False) self._actions['undo'] = a a = action("Redo", self, tip='Redo last action', shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Redo) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self.redo)) a.setEnabled(False) self._actions['redo'] = a # Create actions for menubar plugins from glue.config import menubar_plugin acts = [] for label, function in menubar_plugin: a = action(label, self, tip=label) a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(function, self.session, self.data_collection)) acts.append(a) self._actions['plugins'] = acts a = action('&Plugin Manager', self, tip='Open plugin manager') a.triggered.connect(nonpartial(self.plugin_manager)) self._actions['plugin_manager'] = a
[docs] def choose_new_data_viewer(self, data=None): """ Create a new visualization window in the current tab """ from glue.config import qt_client if data and data.ndim == 1 and ScatterWidget in qt_client.members: default = qt_client.members.index(ScatterWidget) elif data and data.ndim > 1 and ImageWidget in qt_client.members: default = qt_client.members.index(ImageWidget) else: default = 0 client = pick_class(list(qt_client.members), title='Data Viewer', label="Choose a new data viewer", default=default, sort=True) cmd = command.NewDataViewer(viewer=client, data=data) return
new_data_viewer = defer_draw(Application.new_data_viewer) @set_cursor(Qt.WaitCursor) def _choose_save_session(self): """ Save the data collection and hub to file. Can be restored via restore_session """ # include file filter twice, so it shows up in Dialog outfile, file_filter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, filter="Glue Session (*.glu);; Glue Session including data (*.glu)") # This indicates that the user cancelled if not outfile: return # Add extension if not specified if not '.' in outfile: outfile += '.glu' self.save_session(outfile, include_data="including data" in file_filter) @messagebox_on_error("Failed to export session") def _choose_export_session(self, saver, checker, outmode): checker(self) if outmode in ['file', 'directory']: outfile, file_filter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self) if not outfile: return return saver(self, outfile) else: assert outmode == 'label' label, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Choose a label:', 'Choose a label:') if not ok: return return saver(self, label) @messagebox_on_error("Failed to restore session") @set_cursor(Qt.WaitCursor) def _restore_session(self, show=True): """ Load a previously-saved state, and restart the session """ fltr = "Glue sessions (*.glu)" file_name, file_filter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, filter=fltr) if not file_name: return ga = self.restore_session(file_name) self.close() return ga def _reset_session(self, show=True): """ Reset session to clean state. """ if not os.environ.get('GLUE_TESTING'): buttons = QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel dialog = QMessageBox.warning(self, "Confirm Close", "Are you sure you want to reset the session? " "This will close all datasets, subsets, and data viewers", buttons=buttons, defaultButton=QMessageBox.Cancel) if not dialog == QMessageBox.Ok: return ga = GlueApplication() self.close() return ga @staticmethod
[docs] def restore_session(path, show=True): """ Reload a previously-saved session Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the file to load show : bool, optional If True (the default), immediately show the widget Returns ------- app : :class:`` The loaded application """ ga = Application.restore_session(path) if show: return ga
[docs] def has_terminal(self): """ Returns True if the IPython terminal is present. """ self._create_terminal() # ensure terminal is setup return self._terminal is not None
def _create_terminal(self): if self._terminal is not None: # already set up return if hasattr(self, '_terminal_exception'): # already failed to set up return self._terminal_button = QtGui.QToolButton(self._ui) self._terminal_button.setToolTip("Toggle IPython Prompt") i = get_icon('IPythonConsole') self._terminal_button.setIcon(i) self._terminal_button.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(25, 25)) self._layer_widget.ui.button_row.addWidget(self._terminal_button) try: from import glue_terminal widget = glue_terminal(data_collection=self._data, dc=self._data, hub=self._hub, session=self.session, application=self, **vars(env)) self._terminal_button.clicked.connect(self._toggle_terminal) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 import traceback self._terminal_exception = traceback.format_exc() self._setup_terminal_error_dialog(e) return self._terminal = self.add_widget(widget, label='IPython') self._hide_terminal() def _setup_terminal_error_dialog(self, exception): """ Reassign the terminal toggle button to show dialog on error""" title = "Terminal unavailable" msg = ("Glue encountered an error trying to start the Terminal" "\nReason:\n%s" % exception) def show_msg(): mb = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, title, msg) mb.setDetailedText(self._terminal_exception) mb.exec_() self._terminal_button.clicked.connect(show_msg) def _toggle_terminal(self): if self._terminal.isVisible(): self._hide_terminal() if self._terminal.isVisible(): warnings.warn("An unexpected error occurred while trying to hide the terminal") else: self._show_terminal() if not self._terminal.isVisible(): warnings.warn("An unexpected error occurred while trying to show the terminal") def _hide_terminal(self): self._terminal.hide() def _show_terminal(self): self._terminal.widget().show()
[docs] def start(self, size=None, position=None): """ Show the GUI and start the application. Parameters ---------- size : (int, int) Optional The default width/height of the application. If not provided, uses the full screen position : (int, int) Optional The default position of the application """ self._create_terminal() if size is not None: self.resize(*size) if position is not None: self.move(*position) self.raise_() # bring window to front # at some point during all this, the MPL backend # switches. This call restores things, so # figures are still inlined in the notebook. # XXX find out a better place for this _fix_ipython_pylab() return
exec_ = start
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Hold down modifier keys to temporarily set edit mode""" mod = event.modifiers() if mod == Qt.ShiftModifier: self._mode_toolbar.set_mode('or')
[docs] def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): """Unset any temporary edit mode""" self._mode_toolbar.unset_mode()
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): event.accept() else: event.ignore()
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): urls = event.mimeData().urls() for url in urls: self.load_data(url.path()) event.accept()
[docs] def report_error(self, message, detail): """ Display an error in a modal :param message: A short description of the error :type message: str :param detail: A longer description :type detail: str """ qmb = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, "Error", message) qmb.setDetailedText(detail) qmb.resize(400, qmb.size().height()) qmb.exec_()
[docs] def plugin_manager(self): from glue.main import _installed_plugins pm = QtPluginManager(installed=_installed_plugins) pm.ui.exec_()
def _update_undo_redo_enabled(self): undo, redo = self._cmds.can_undo_redo() self._actions['undo'].setEnabled(undo) self._actions['redo'].setEnabled(redo) self._actions['undo'].setText('Undo ' + self._cmds.undo_label) self._actions['redo'].setText('Redo ' + self._cmds.redo_label) @property def viewers(self): """ A list of lists of open Data Viewers. Each inner list contains the viewers open on a particular tab. """ result = [] for t in range(self.tab_count): tab = item = [] for subwindow in tab.subWindowList(): widget = subwindow.widget() if isinstance(widget, DataViewer): item.append(widget) result.append(tuple(item)) return tuple(result) @property def tab_names(self): """ The name of each tab A list of strings """ return [self.tab_bar.tabText(i) for i in range(self.tab_count)] @staticmethod def _choose_merge(data, others): w = load_ui('merge.ui', None, directory=os.path.dirname(__file__)) w.raise_() label = others[0].label if len(others) > 0 else data.label w.merged_label.setText(label) entries = [QtGui.QListWidgetItem(other.label) for other in others] for e in entries: e.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) for d, item in zip(others, entries): w.choices.addItem(item) if not w.exec_(): return None result = [layer for layer, entry in zip(others, entries) if entry.checkState() == Qt.Checked] if result: result[0].label = str(w.merged_label.text()) return result + [data]